


The two musicians provided an extraordinary listening experience for the enthusiastic audience. They do not plan in advance and in fact don’t even make eye contact; rather, they listen to each other and and then musically complement or provoke each other. This kind of improvisational interplay can work only with true experts. (Böblinger Zeitung)

Sonata I by the Canadian composer and organist Denis Bédard gave Claudia Schätzle the opportunity to show her virtuoso skills, which for her seem to be a natural part of her musicianship. (...) during the concluding humoresque, the saxophone laughed and chortled exuberantly, cheered and celebrated. (Welzheimer Zeitung)

In the treble the saxophone howled and fluttered, while the middle register had a melting tone and the low notes were full and dark. Claudia Schätzle connected all of these seamlessly.(...) Schätzle jumped between the different registers, finding an astonishing variety of tones and gestures that one would not necessarily expect from the instrument. (Böblinger Zeitung)

When the last note sounded, Tesorino and Thalheim had succeeded in igniting musical fireworks. The dialogue between organ and saxophone provided, as promised, a unique listening experience. (Stendaler Volksstimme)

It was clear to see that the audience was carried away by the unusual but still always harmonious dance of organ and saxophone. Long-lasting applause sent the duo off into their well-deserved post-concert evening. (Deggendorfer Zeitung)

The German-Canadian saxophonist Claudia Tesorino is an artist who refuses to let herself be limited stylistically. Her playing moves seamlessly between musical styles and periods. organ - journal für die Orgel